Multiple answer questions
Use this tool to transform tables that include multiple answer questions into a table where the multiple answer questions are transformed in such a way that they can be analyzed.

What is the Multiple answer questions feature in XLSTAT?
It is common that surveys included multiple answer questions. Here is very simple example: "Which are your favorite colors?". Some people will answer "Blue", other "Blue,Red", other "Green,Purple,Yellow". Any combination is possible from the list of possibilities that is given in the survey. The output of the survey is a table giving the answers of each individual to each question. For multiple answer questions, it will typically be just as described above, with the different answers separated by a delimiter.
With this formatting, data analysis and statistical techniques requiring a structured layout cannot be applied. A transformation of the multiple answer questions is necessary. The columns corresponding to the multiple answer questions are replaced by as many columns as there are answers in the input columns (Note: if an answer was never checked, a column will not be added for it), with within each column, Yes/No answers on whether the respondents have checked or not the item.
How to configure the Multiple answer questions tool in XLSTAT?
You will find below the description of the various elements of the dialog box.
Data: Select all the data that you want XLSTAT to analyze. If questions that are not multiple answer questions are included, XLSTAT will insert the columns corresponding to the different answers of the multiple answer questions, within the other questions. If column headers have been selected, check that the "Column labels" option has been activated.
Delimiter: Select the delimiter that is used to separate the multiple answers.
Confirm questions: Activate this option so that XLSTAT prompts you to confirm which questions are multiple-answer questions in the data.
What are the results of the Multiple answer questions tool in XLSTAT?
XLSTAT displays the restructured table. If questions that are not multiple answer questions have been included, XLSTAT inserts the columns corresponding to the different answers of the multiple answer questions, within in between the other questions, respecting the order in the initial table.
Example of a Multiple answer questions survey in XLSTAT
Our tutorial will help you run a Multiple answer questions survey in Excel using XLSTAT.
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