Find out what users from around the world have to say about XLSTAT
As a clinician research scientist I have been using XLSTAT for more than 5 years. With XLSTAT I have been able to do sophisticated analysis of urodynamic data using the fast Fourier transforms in the forecasting module which never would have been available to me. Having access to SPSS I find that XLSTAT is easier for me to use and in many instances facilitates the data analysis and presentation better than SPSS, this is especially true when I have to add additional columns of derived data that require complex if commands that are easier for me to do in excel than in the SPSS format. The Life Sciences package includes everything that a clinician scientist would need to analyze data.

Great Product! I love how easy it was to use because it really offered a well designed user interface that made it easy to execute on!

Ease of use, interpretation of results and accompanying tutorial for easy development of capacity. I used XLSTAT in undertaking the preliminary analysis required for hydrological studies, including, (i) missing data imputation, (ii) trend and homogeneity test, (iii) outlier test and (iv) autocorrelation. The processess where easy and step-wise, compared to other tools that required mastering of coding languaged and data processing in particular formats. It saved me a great deal of time in my Thesis development.
As a researcher/full professor, XLSTAT Premium version has allowed me to add both multivariate, univariate and OMICS statistical analysis to my research. XLSTAT is a user-friendly statistical software, intuitive as MsExcel but with a high-quality statistical output. We use XLSTAT premium routinely for all our data analysis and we highly recommend it to anyone in any field

Superb. Its quite easy to use and understand to apply on practical problems.

As an assistant professor of medicine, I am always trying to develop new research projects. I recently discovered XLSTAT Biomed. The user interface is as intuitive as any Excel functions, the output is highly functional. I use XLSTAT Biomed and highly recommend it for anyone in the field.

The use of ANOVA in sensory evaluation is one of the most frequent tasks. XLSTAT has the capability to do it in a short time with the options required for the industry. This allows me to invest more time to the conclusions and recommendations of my projects.

I took my first steps in statistics with XLSTAT at the start of my career. Having a software that integrates directly into Excel is extremely helpful as it avoids the tedious work of having to import and export data from a spreadsheet Furthermore, the XLSTAT online intuitive tutorials allow users to quickly master the software.

I use XLSTAT extensively in my classes to teach inferential statistics. I have been using XLSTAT for many years for various applications, from economics to social studies, education, experimental psychology, marketing, etc. My students can choose data sets and perform statistical procedures easily with a few clicks.

I can’t believe how easy it is to use XLSTAT as statistical software with complicated data sets that are prepared in EXCEL. The software is robust and intuitive in terms of the types of and ease of use in the various data analyses you can run. The technical support I received was professional and they stayed with me until we discovered the problem that I had caused.
XLSTAT has been supporting my research projects for the past 5 years. I enjoy working with the software and the XLSTAT support team, always on hand to quickly answer my technical and statistical questions.
XLSTAT 3D-Plot is an essential tool for my research on fossil plants. The diagrams and 3D presentations help me and my colleagues abroad to illustrate our findings in scientific journals and publications.

XLSTAT helps me with my research on infectious diseases by producing ROC curves to determine the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of a new test. Discover the explanatory article: https://doi.org/10.1128/JCM.01979-16

The XLSTAT software has become an essential tool for the statistics courses I teach. It includes all the functionalities and methods I cover during my classes, and because it runs on top of Microsoft Excel, it allows my students to work in an environment they are already familiar with. As I tell my students at the beginning of each semester: In the 21st century software has become a fundamental component of teaching and learning, and as students they should take full advantage of the discounted rates they have access to in order to familiarize themselves with the best programs.

In my long career, I have never used a software that satisfied so well both my teaching and research needs. The algorithms are high-performing and based on the most recent computational methods. Seamless integration with the R environment greatly extends its potential.
I have used the ANOVA function in the latest version of XLSTAT (2020.1.1) which is much faster than the previous versions, even on very large datasets. Menus and possibilities have been enriched (also in other functions than ANOVA). This constant updating is really beneficial. All this makes XLSTAT an extremely efficient and quite friendly statistical software.